Get Stylish for Work



Turtlenecks, plaid coats and high waisted pants... Can I say I'm back in the 90s?
Thanks Pomelo for keeping me warm!

Top | Pants | Sunglasses | Coat | Boots

ThePeachBox Giveaway!

Tis the season of gift giving! We're doing a giveaway on Instagram, where one winner will get to choose one watch and one bracelet from The Peach Box! I absolutely love this watch, it is my choice of armswag almost everyday. I like how light weight and simple it is, and can match any bracelet paired with it. 


There's only a few simple steps, so don't be shy to put your name in the hat. We will run the giveaway till next Friday!


Good luck!

Leather Goes with Everything.

Leather goes with everything. I can't think of an outfit that a leather jacket doesn't go well with... This is the first week the weather has dropped below 20C, and I'm super stoked about the cold. It's always so exciting to dust off the sweater drawer and move those jackets to the front of your closet. Unfortunately, I didn't plan well for my winter stay in HK and left most of my jackets in LA. Fortunately, I was able to snag some swag from Pomelo to rock this winter. I'm going to have to get a new suitcase for when I move back after the New Year. 


Hands Free



I've been looking for bluetooth earphones for quite some time now, and found this amazing brand that is sleek, good quality, and convenient. If you commute on public transportation everyday, like I am right now in Hong Kong, it changes your life! I'm always carrying 2 phones (work and personal) and jumping on calls morning and night, playing music or my morning podcasts. It's so nice to not have a wire dangling and getting tangled in your scarf, earrings, or accidentally getting hooked onto someone's arm during rush hour in the subway and yanked out of your ear. 

Thanks for finding me at the perfect time Sudio! :) Get yourself a pair on and use HEYYEH to get 15% off. They have so many other designs as well.. More colors below!
