The Arts

At the end of 2020, we got to travel back to Hong Kong to see family. Being with loved ones during such an isolated year made the biggest emotional and mental difference. We went through the 14 day hotel quarantine where they slapped on a wristband tracker and forced you to stay in the room the entire quarantine. My family brought us food and games, and spent most of the time working, eating, exercising and binge watching TV shows like Queens Gambit and Emily in Paris. After being released from quarantine prison, we took the opportunity to explore the city while the streets were less busy than usual. My favorite place this trip? Hands down the West Kowloon Cultural District.

Hey Yeh - Hong Kong Opera House

This is the newly built Opera House - part of the Arts District. Across the street, there is a large grassy area for picnics by the promenade. There are multiple museums, theatres and installations in development right now, which will eventually be the world’s largest cultural quarters with a blend of music, art, performance and education. It is AMAZING and you can read more here! The lack of emphasis on the arts was a big reason why I left Hong Kong, and I’m so happy they are finally investing time, money and space to let art breathe in the concrete jungle.

hey-yeh - hong kong sezane opera house
Hey Yeh - Hong Kong Opera House
hey-yeh - hong kong sezane opera house
Hey Yeh - Hong Kong Opera House

Free Wallpapers // 1

Hello there and Happy Friday Eve! We're trying a new column here at Hey Yeh. We teamed up with A Sensible Habit and created these wonderful desktop and mobile wallpapers for you to download for free! These designs are all handpainted by the talented Brandy from A Sensible Habit! Check out her website and shop for more goodies!


It was a very late evening when I found one of James Gulliver Hancock's illustration sitting on Erin's desktop background. "Ooo! Who's the artist?" I asked, which then led us to 1 to 2 hours of online stalking. The Australian illustrator's obsession with drawing has brought him all around the world, working with companies including Coca-Cola, The New York Times, and Ford Motors. 

All illustrations are drawn by hand, but some are scanned into the computer to be rearranged or color corrected. Some of the work are purely originals, from the colors, to the lines and fonts. Man! I wish I had this talent!

See more of his work on his website!

dance dance dance

I've always been afraid to put up dance videos because I'm still learning. But thanks to all my family and friends who have encouraged me to put one up, I finally did it!!!

Hope you like it! 
Please share and subscribe if you'd like :)

Thank you Emily for learning this dance in a day and recording it with me! 
(She is only 15 and a ballet dancer!!) 
Tweetergram: @emilywylu

Thank you mumsies for helping me record the video :) love you

Thank you NINJON, my amazing roomie for teaching me how to edit, film and produce videos.
Tweetergram: @jyshih21


If you haven't already, you must subscribe to SOUL PANCAKE on youtube!
Rainn Wilson, the Emmy-nominated actor, well known for his comedic role as Dwight Schrute in the TV Show The Office "invites you to open your heart without feeling like an idiot." 
SoulPancake is a platform that allows their audience to explore topics that matter - religion, creativity, politics, humor, life, and art. SoulPancake not only shares real stories and short films about others, but allows the audience to send in their own "stuff" to contribute to the plethora of activities, conversations and ideas they want to share. 

Check 'em out!!!

My favorite videos: