Keepin it Cas(ual)

There's a lot of talk on the interwebs about how to spell the abbreviated version of casual. Is it "Cazj", "Cas'", "Cazh"...? It boggles my mind every time. I even looked it up on google and checked out 3 websites to see what people think just so I could use "Keepin it Cazj" for my title of this post! Buzzfeed did a poll  and had their audience vote for which way was the best, and "Cas'" won. All of this debate, reading and wasted time just to tell you that I'm wearing this plaid dress from Madewell to keep it casual on the weekends. yay.

photographer: FENG
stylist/director: Courtney Yeh
dress - madewell | boots - steve madden | bag - danielle nicole | ring - rocksbox (code: heyyehxoxo)

Back to Business

Ever since 2016 rolled along, it's been back to business - which at this time of year means back to back meetings at my 9 to 6, weekend work trips, late night Vibrvncy meetings, recovering from jetlag, less sleep, more junk, and less time to blog. My goal in January was to cook more (that didn't happen). My second goal was to work out more (does doing the elliptical for 20 minutes 3 times a week count?). My third goal was to get my new site design up and running (3 months later, still working on it). In my survival of all these first world problems, comfortable black and white outfits have been my staple set. Comfortable means goodbye to non-stretchy, tight-fitted, high waisted jeans, and hello to everything that feels like pjs but still look put together and professional. Don't worry jeans, I'll be back for you soon. 

Styling: Courtney Yeh

Photography: FENG

Jacket - Pomelo Fashion | Top - Grana | Pants - Asos | Heels - Lucky Brand (similar here)

Sunnies - Quay Australia | Necklace - Rocksbox

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